Mellemrummet - Et virtuelt sted til pauser og myrekommunikation, designet til at skabe nærvær og fremme socialinteraktion i onlineundervisning på universitetsniveau
Dorthe Lyk
Aalborg Universitet
IT, læring og organisatorisk omstilling
Se flere specialer
Sarah Strunge Albersten
Dependency and Dispossession - A research in Tunesian rural migration and the Deep Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between Tunisia and the EU
Sara Al-Dafaee
Frederikke Millschou Nielsen
Malou Ravn
Enhancing Healthcare Inclusivity Through Innovation: How Artificial Intelligence Can Restructure Vital Interaction Processes
Jule Rumpel
Climate Governance Transitions - A Case Study of Climate Adaptation, Governance, and Climate-Resilience in Cologne, Germany